G4-17 - Operational structure of the organisation
Web reference www.nibe.com/nibe-group
G4-18 - Process for defining report content
Reference AR 24-25 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.
G4-19 - List all the material aspects identified
Reference AR 24 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.
Materiality analysis
NIBE's working group for sustainability issues together with Group management carried out a materiality analysis based on the areas that are regarded as most relevant to the company's operational focus and geographical presence as well as international initiatives such as the Global Compact and Agenda 2030 (SDG). The assessment also included business environment requirements, global trends, standards (GRI, ISO 14001 and CDP), the Company’s expected future growth, with the concomitant risks and opportunities, and the outcome of the dialogue with stakeholders.
The top priority aspects are summarised in the diagram below.
If we compare NIBE’s current work in the areas identified as priorities in the materiality analysis, it sits well with the choices and priorities made by NIBE to date:
In line with its operational priorities and where it was considered possible to exert influence, NIBE has chosen to prioritise six of the seventeen goals included in Agenda 2030:
See Annual report page 25.
In working on the materiality analysis, we identified many areas, in addition to those in which we already work, which require further work.
The working environment will be an agenda item at subsidiaries’ board meetings at least twice a year, with accidents and actions being reported. All companies with more than 15 employees and an accident rate of more than 10 accidents per million hours worked will be required to prepare a written action plan for how they will achieve the target of an accident rate lower than 6 before the end of 2018. The plan will be evaluated and approved by the Group’s working group for sustainability issues, the ‘Sustainability Council’. (See page 101 of the Corporate Governance Report ).
In 2017, there will be a review of existing targets and ratios, based on the achievement of targets in 2016.
G4-20 - Report the Aspect Boundary of each material aspect.
Concerning limiting and reporting of environmental impact during the manufacturing and distribution phases of our products, we have included our production facilities (see table with production companies). Sales offices are included only in the reporting of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions (see list of sales offices included).
Concerning healthy and safe work environment, all companies within the NIBE Group, production and sales offices alike, report injuries and sick leave. The aspect is material primarily within the organisation (see complete list of companies in Annual report, page 88, 89).
For other aspect boundaries, see each aspect.
The Aspect Boundary within the organisation
See each aspect.
G4-21 - The Aspect Boundary outside the organisation
See each aspect.
G4-22 - Explanation of the effect of any re-statements
No significant re-statements
G4-23 - Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries
No significant changes